| Ingi Björn Ágústsson
Árshátíð, borðaröðun og Liverpool Captains
Síðasti leikur er framundan og er meistaradeildarsæti undir. Hörkuleikur framundan þar sem skiptir öllu að okkar menn klári sinn leik.
Nú styttist einnig í árshátíð Liverpool klúbbsins þar sem Sami Hyypia mætir. Allt er lagt undir til að gera þetta að frábærri stund með góðum félögum og flottri skemmtun.
260 miðar eru nú þegar seldir en enn er hægt að bæta við gestum.
Ef þú átt eftir að tryggja þér miða þá smelltu þér inn á midi.is og gangtu frá kaupum sem fyrst. Miðasölu líkur nk mánudag.
https://midi.is/atburdir/1/ 10019/Sami_Hyypia_a_arshatid_ Liverpool_klubbsins
Við munum bjóða upp á að frátaka borð fyrir 4 og fleiri í hóp. Ef þú ert með hóp á þínum snærum sendu okkur línu með nafni sem skal merkja borðið á [email protected].
Að lokum, í tilefni af heimsókn Hyypia mun félagsmönnum bjóðast tækifæri á að versla sér einstakt eintak af einni af vinsælustu Liverpool bókum undanfarinna ára þar sem sögð er saga fyrirliða Liverpool.
"Liverpool Captains
Never before have so many Anfield legends opened up so freely about their personal lives in print.
In Liverpool Captains, R. Lund Ansnes meets many of the club's greatest figures; taking you beyond the walls of the training ground and into their homes, uncovering the human impact of leadership. The themes of identity, motivation, teamwork and loyalty are consistent but Ansnes analyses how the role of the captain has changed over the last 55 years since the appointment of Ron Yeats by Bill Shankly.
Yeats, indeed, is one of her 16 interviewees and like Tommy Smith after him, Ansnes details the devastating effect of Alzheimer's Disease upon their lives.
We meet Steven Gerrard, Jamie Carragher and other former captains such as Paul Ince whose story involves an improbable rise from abandoned child to captain of club and country. An author of two Liverpool books, Ansnes spent three years travelling across Europe getting to know the legends. The outcome is a revealing portrait of life at Anfield, showing sides of players you have never seen before.
R. Lund Ansnes is an author, journalist and broadcaster. She is the author of three books about Liverpool FC and was the editor for the Norwegian translation of Bill Shankly's autobiography. Her speciality is storytelling and to make people open up in conversations with her - for books, on stage, for TV, podcasts and radio. She is married with two children and divides her time between her homes in Norway and Liverpool."
Hægt er að panta sér eintak með því að senda póst á [email protected]
Nú styttist einnig í árshátíð Liverpool klúbbsins þar sem Sami Hyypia mætir. Allt er lagt undir til að gera þetta að frábærri stund með góðum félögum og flottri skemmtun.
260 miðar eru nú þegar seldir en enn er hægt að bæta við gestum.
Ef þú átt eftir að tryggja þér miða þá smelltu þér inn á midi.is og gangtu frá kaupum sem fyrst. Miðasölu líkur nk mánudag.
Við munum bjóða upp á að frátaka borð fyrir 4 og fleiri í hóp. Ef þú ert með hóp á þínum snærum sendu okkur línu með nafni sem skal merkja borðið á [email protected].
Að lokum, í tilefni af heimsókn Hyypia mun félagsmönnum bjóðast tækifæri á að versla sér einstakt eintak af einni af vinsælustu Liverpool bókum undanfarinna ára þar sem sögð er saga fyrirliða Liverpool.
"Liverpool Captains
Never before have so many Anfield legends opened up so freely about their personal lives in print.
In Liverpool Captains, R. Lund Ansnes meets many of the club's greatest figures; taking you beyond the walls of the training ground and into their homes, uncovering the human impact of leadership. The themes of identity, motivation, teamwork and loyalty are consistent but Ansnes analyses how the role of the captain has changed over the last 55 years since the appointment of Ron Yeats by Bill Shankly.
Yeats, indeed, is one of her 16 interviewees and like Tommy Smith after him, Ansnes details the devastating effect of Alzheimer's Disease upon their lives.
We meet Steven Gerrard, Jamie Carragher and other former captains such as Paul Ince whose story involves an improbable rise from abandoned child to captain of club and country. An author of two Liverpool books, Ansnes spent three years travelling across Europe getting to know the legends. The outcome is a revealing portrait of life at Anfield, showing sides of players you have never seen before.
R. Lund Ansnes is an author, journalist and broadcaster. She is the author of three books about Liverpool FC and was the editor for the Norwegian translation of Bill Shankly's autobiography. Her speciality is storytelling and to make people open up in conversations with her - for books, on stage, for TV, podcasts and radio. She is married with two children and divides her time between her homes in Norway and Liverpool."
Hægt er að panta sér eintak með því að senda póst á [email protected]
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